Schülerrezensionen zum Gastspiel des White Horse Theatre am Nell-Breuning-Berufskolleg

Reviews and comments on Move to Junk

In January we saw the play Move to Junk performed by the White Horse Theatre. First of all, I really enjoyed the pronunciation of the native speakers. Moreover I personally think that the play deals with an up-to-date topic as cyber bullying is very dangerous and harmful for the victim and might happen at every school. As we discussed the varying facets of cyber crime in our last English lessons it was relevant and showed us the theoretical knowledge in reality. The actors played in a very convincing and emotional way and therefore were capable of drawing our attention to the far-reaching consequences of this problem. Amanda one of the main characters is the new girl at Sandown Court School. Being different and having hobbies that are commonly male activities like playing football, she is excluded and bullied online. An anonymous perpetrator wrecks her life and positive attitude. Stuart the class representative tries to defend her because the whole school and even citizens of other towns laugh at her due to mails showing Amanda´s face on a naked body with the offer of free sex and her real phone number. After several investigations a classmate admits his guiltiness but it was too late. Amanda had given up and fulfilled the suggestion to commit suicide in order to end the psychical tortures. This shocking outgoing represents that online lives have a very dark side overlapping the actions we are doing in real life. It is essential that we talk about such tremendous problems and Amanda´s case is the perfect example of the tragedy of being a victim and the wrong behaviour of herself and her classmates. Apart from that it was interesting to get to know the actors by listening to their personal experience after the play. They told us their reasons to become an actor and the importance to differentiate between your personal character and the one you are playing. Nevertheless you have to feel the role to make the audience believe what you are saying. All in all I can recommend the play because we should use every chance to improve our English skills and a play is a welcome alternative to the normal lessons.
Jeannette Fleig, WG-Q1 A


“… Even if much speaks against mobbing a lot of people are still do it and this definitely has to stop. In addition I would like to mention that situations like that are real and there are no reasons for mobbing someone at all. It has happened before that people quit their lives because of being treated wrong. In the end the causers may feel guilty but it is impossible to turn back time.
Summing up I really like the intention behind the play. Today’s society is often split just because of the outer appearance, for example. This has to stop and I support the enlightenment initiated by this play.”
Eva-Johanna Herrlich, WG-Q1 B

“… The actors’ message is “stop bullying”. It is not cool at all. Everybody should be treated equally. Persons like Stuart are very important, when bullying is started. A functioning class community is very important and everybody has to look after his or her classmates.
Summing up, I like the play and can recommend it to other schools/students.”
Chiara V., WG-Q1 B


“… In my opinion it was a very well acted play. All actors were perfect for their roles and played their roles with lot of emotions. Especially the girl who played Amanda, played her role very real, so that I was really shocked when Amanda killed herself at the end. I think the play is perfect to perform it in front of students. Because the topic “cyber mobbing” is very interesting.
Certainly it shows the students which consequences mobbing can have. Some victims are very desperate and sad, they see no way out and commit suicide. Mobbing is not a funny thing. It is very serious and dangerous.
The play makes that very clear. So it is very good that this group performs this play at schools. Students realise how bad mobbing can end and they learn that they will do something against it if a classmate is bullied in class.”

Chiara Z., WG-Q1 B


“...I think that this play is a very good one, because in my eyes it was very interesting and very awesome. It shows us that mobbing can happen and frequently happens in real life.
I think that the actors did a very good job because they played their role in a very serious and confident way. In my eyes Steward was the best one.
In my opinion this play should open our eyes. Spreading comments online has appalling negative effects. Thus we should move insensible ideas to junk before spreading it.
This message was conveyed very well.
So all in all, I think that everyone should watch a play like this one.”

“... In my opinion this play shows a situation that often happens.  The actors were very good and also spoke like teens today do. I think it is good that they perform this play at many schools and in different countries. It shows very well how bullying can end and underlines when it goes too far.”

“… I didn’t like the end, because I thought she would move away.  It was a bad surprise that committed suicide. I really liked, that we could ask some questions after the play. There was a lot the actors laughed about and so did we.
Moreover, I like the play because it was realistic and very well performed by all the actors. I also enjoyed the technical effects. So the play was more funny despite the serious topic. It was a great experience for me because I could understand so much and learned from their pronunciation. I also learned that bullying on the internet can destroy nearly everything.”

“… in my view Move to Junk was very good because its intention is so serious. The actors spoke in an understandable way. In my opinion the best actor was Stuart! He introduced himself very well, played in a very funny but also serious way. After watching Move to Junk everybody should have understood the issues with cyber mobbing and I recommend it to other schools.”
“… Move to Junk was great because the actors played their roles in a very convincing way. In addition, the play was very entertaining and challenging. They showed us the consequences of bullying and what it can do to people who are bullied.”

“... In my opinion the performance of the White Horse Theatre was great because the topic concerns a lot of students. Mobbing is something terrible and I don’t like how people think that this is funny. The actors did a great job in showing us how the causers and victim feel. I could imagine how Amanda must have felt just by looking at her. Even though the topic was a serious one the actors managed to be funny at some points and so it didn’t get boring at all.”

“... it was a very interesting play because of the topic. The drama is based on the theme cyber bulling in general and what cyber bulling does to people.“ 

“Through the play, we as students, get to know what it is like to be treated like Amanda, so that nobody will ever act like this again. It helps to imagine how people feel who are mobbing victims and possible consequences of such an embarrassing behaviour towards classmates. 

All the actors did a very good job because they were able to identify with their roles so that it was like a real situation.
All in all. Peter Griffith wrote a challenging, up-to-date play that deals with a current issue. It teaches students not to act in that way. Consequently he was able to implement his intention to reduce cyber mobbing.“

“... the play has a huge influence on our generation because everything can go online, everybody can see it and judge you because you upload the “wrong” picture or other things. The play shows us that cyber bullying is very dangerous and has very serious consequences.“

“... the whole play was really authentic and real. This play makes also clear that cyber bullying isn’t a joke, you can ruin lives by spreading messages that should have better been moved to junk. 
The actor’s British English was extremely clear and I could understand it easily. Moreover, the actors are really likeable. Everybody was fascinated and listened attentively.“