Am 18.01.2019 gastierte das Theatre-at-School  am Nell-Breuning-Berufskolleg.

Das professionelle pädagogische Tourneetheater aus Krefeld zeigte drei sehr gut inszenierte Aufführungen in englischer Sprache im Foyer unserer Schule.


Begeistert verfolgten unsere Schüler des Wirtschaftsgymnasiums und der Höheren Handelsschule das lebhaft in Szene gesetzte Theaterstück Life Online.

Nicht nur wegen der sehr aktuellen Thematiken Online Dating, Cyber Mobbing und Handysucht, wurde das Gastspiel zu einem spannenden und unterhaltsamen Theatererlebnis.

Auch die hervorragende und schülernahe Schauspielleistung der Hauptdarstellerin Vanessa Rose und ihres Kollegen Martin Ruddy beeindruckten unsere Schülerinnen und Schüler.

Die beiden muttersprachlichen Darsteller bezogen die Zuschauer immer wieder mit ein und gestalteten die abschließende Fragerunde sehr abwechslungsreich und motivierend.

Die Botschaft des Stücks war nachhaltig, denn das unverzichtbare Smartphone machte der auf der Bühne agierenden Schauspielerin das Leben zur Hölle.

Besonderheiten der britischen Lebenswelt und der britische Humor zeigten zudem eine interessante Facette Europas und sorgten für kurzweilige, aber auch kritische Unterhaltung.

Auch der klare englische und nordirische Akzent der Schauspieler und die dynamische, schülernahe Inszenierung kamen bei den Theaterbesuchern sehr gut an.

Wir freuen uns schon auf den nächsten Besuch des Theatre@School!


Lesen hier einige Statements und Eindrücke unserer Schülerinnen und Schülerinnen:

Feedback in short:

Life Online was …

  • entertaining, though-provoking, motivated and motivating, challenging, diverting,
  • surprising (I felt I was forced to watch the play by my teachers, but it was great fun!)
  • encouraging
  • I have really activated a lot of English during the play
  • incredible, I have understood far more than expected and even enjoyed it despite the fact that I’m not good at English
  • almost everybody was very attentively listening during the whole play – the actors did such a good job – thank you for getting that chance at our school

Further reviews

I think the play was very good, because of the acting skills the actors had. They seemed experienced and authentic. In addition, the message was very good and easy to understand for everyone, and not just because of the very clear English spoken by the actors. Thus even the pupils who are not so good at English could understand them, also because of the way they both acted. Moreover, I really liked the idea of interacting with the audience. It had a kind of personal touch and we felt like we were not just watching a play, it felt more like we were part of the play. I also liked the reference to up-to-date topics because for example internet security affects all of us.

After the play, everyone had the chance to ask questions. It is very impressing, that the actors were (if I am remembering it right) 26 and 28 and have been doing this job for more than ten years. They were looking much younger. I also liked their message, so we could actually comprehend the situation and were able to understand the feelings of the protagonist. The actors also kept our attention with wit, humour and very motivated presentations.

All in all, I think it was a great and entertaining event. (Umut)


Life Online  has a really  good message – which is especially for young people of our age important.  We all spend most of our time online and don´t really think about its dangers. The play explains and shows the dangers of using the internet in a funny and entertaining way,

Furthermore it is worth seeing the play, cause you can see how good your English is. The English spoken by the two really amazing actors is completely different to the English we are used to from our English lessons. It is really cool and makes you happy if you can understand their accents and even the humorous or critical undertones. (Lena)


Today, I have seen the play Life Online at school. The play is about Kate, a seventeen-year-old girl who wants to become a famous writer. She is studying and does not waste her time with her cell phone. Then Kate has a date with Danny who is constantly busy with and on his phone and she also decides to use social media and makes a big mistake.

Life Online is a good way of showing our life - my life because the play demonstrates exactly our life with social media. I liked that the two actors have involved us in the play, - we could put ourselves in the position of Kate and how she felt. Furthermore, the play makes the spectators think about our life with social media.

I think, that the play reflected me a little bit – I am active on social media but I know my limits and I am not constantly online.

Nevertheless, the disadvantages of using social media are dealt with very clearly and intensively.

My opinion is that Life Online is worth seeing it because the play reflects our life very well because many people do not know the limits of using social media and are not very clear about the important things in life.

The play has the intention to take a critical view at the time and activities online. Moreover, they try to make clear that we should concentrate more on the essential things in life.

My conclusion: we should not spend too much time on our phones, but rather spend our time outside with our family or friends and we also have to be far more careful on the internet.


I liked about the play Life Online that it was very realistic. In today´s generation, there are several boys and girls who make the same mistake as Kate.

I also liked that Kate starts to tell her story in the second scene so she begins and finishes the play in the same setting - the court room.

Besides, it was also good that the actors often changed the backgrounds or the set so the audience could understand the story in a better way.

It is worth seeing such an entertaining but also critical play at NBB because it is a warning to all teenagers. Everybody should know that he or she should not trust strangers from the internet. In addition, nobody should ever send any kind of pictures to strangers and be aware that even sending pictures to friends could be dangerous. (Nina)


The play Line Online is presented by two brilliant actors and demonstrates the audience the dark side of social media/ online dating and criticises the security of social media.

Kate is 17 years old and wants to become a famous writer and is studying a lot.

Then Danny dates Kate and during the date Danny is most of the time on his mobile phone.

Even Kate’s dad is busy all the time with online dating and commenting and ignores the dangers.  Finally Kate also wants to be up-to-date and “sociable”.

Therefore, Kate registers on Dating App and meets Henry, who has a fake account to trick Kate out. Henry presents himself as well  as he can, and Kate falls in love. After a while Kate sends him photos of her body. Henry is in real life Danny and tricks Kate to get her most intimate photos and to publish her photos on the internet to embarrass and bully her in the whole school community.

Despite the serious message, this play is very entertaining because it presents the risks of social media in an appealing and funny way. I can recommend Theatre-at-School to other schools because it is a great and exciting experience. (Lars)